Individuals with bad credit or low incomes can take the reins on their financial wellbeing in a number of ways. In the short to medium term, can help introduce consumers to reputable lenders for loan solutions. In the longer term, moving to a more prosperous city could seriously help boost your income.
According to recent figures from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages , it might be fruitful to consider moving to one of the top 10 cities with the highest wages.
What are the industries with the biggest wage increases?
For those looking to make a change from their current career field, maybe consider looking towards the following strong growth areas and regions.
- Oil industry: Within Midland, Texas and Odessa, Texas and Cheyenne, Wyoming and wages are rising by 6.1% per year.
- Mining, Logging and construction: Within Midland, Texas and Odessa, Texas employment has grown by 15% in the mining sector and wages are rising by 6.1% per year in the construction sector.
Look towards areas with large business presence
When wages overall are soaring across the board in a specific city or town, this can often be explained by the new presence of a large business or corporation.
For example, wages in the San Francisco Metropolitan area grew by 25% in December 2011 – December 2012. This is being attributed to Facebook, Inc. moving their headquarters to Menlo Park in San Mateo County which is part of the San Francisco Metropolitan area. To give context to the figures, wages within other counties in the San Francisco area all grew less than 10%. However, in San Mateo, the average weekly wage grew more than 100%.
The Top 10 cities
According to the BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, the top 10 cities with the biggest increases in pay are during the 4th quarters of 2011 – 2012 are:
1. San Francisco-Oakland-Mateo, California
- 1-year wage growth: 24.7%
- Average weekly wage: $1,706
- December 2011 unemployment: 7.2%
- December 2012 unemployment: 6.1%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: Computer system design services.
2. Vero Beach, Florida
- 1-year wage growth: 11.1%
- Average weekly wage: $839
- December 2011 unemployment: 10.7%
- December 2012 unemployment: 9.3%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: The Leisure and Hospitality industry accounts for 6,800 of the 45,900 non-agricultural jobs in the region and has benefitted from Florida’s increased minimum wage from $7.31 to $7.67 beginning in January 2012.
3. Midland, Texas
- 1-year wage growth: 11.1%
- Average weekly wage: $1,261
- December 2011 unemployment: 3.7%
- December 2012 unemployment: 2.9%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: Jobs in mining, logging and construction rose 16.1% between December 2011 and December 2012. In addition, jobs in trade, transportation and utilities rose 9.8% during the same period
4. Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
- 1-year wage growth: 10.6%
- Average weekly wage: $811
- December 2011 unemployment: 6.4%
- December 2012 unemployment: 6.1%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: The Manufacturing industry grew by more than 5.2% in during December 2011 and December 2012.
5. Provo-Orem, Utah
- 1-year wage growth: 9.8%
- Average weekly wage: $832
- December 2011 unemployment: 5.4%
- December 2012 unemployment: 4.9%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: Mining, logging and construction rose 17.4% between December 2011 and December 2012. Additionally, the number of jobs in professional and business services increased by 7.5%.
6. Odessa, Texas
- 1-year wage growth: 9.6%
- Average weekly wage: $1,105
- December 2011 unemployment: 4.6%
- December 2012 unemployment: 3.5%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: Oil and gas is a growing sector, as is mining, logging and construction with a 14.7% growth between December 2011 and December 2012. Jobs in trade, transportation and utilities also grew 11.8%.
7. Cheyenne, Wyoming
- 1-year wage growth: 9.5%
- Average weekly wage: $867
- December 2011 unemployment: 6.8%
- December 2012 unemployment: 5.6%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: Oil is the major boom industry, with over 30 oil companies operating in Laramie Country in 2012. Also, Trade, transportation and utilities has experienced a 4.2% growth. Mining, logging and construction also grew by 6.9% between December 2011 and December 2012.
8. Elkhart-Goshen, Indiana
- 1-year wage growth: 9.1
- Average weekly wage: $782
- December 2011 unemployment: 10.9%
- December 2012 unemployment: 9.5%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: Manufacturing (represents over half of all jobs in the area, with a 7.4% growth), RV plants currently hiring.
9. Dalton, Georgia
- 1-year wage growth: 8.2%
- Average weekly wage: $769
- December 2011 unemployment: 12.5%
- December 2012 unemployment: 11.0%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: Government (6% growth) and professional and business services (5.1% growth).
10. Topeka, Kansas
- 1-year. wage growth: 8.1%
- Average weekly wage: $823
- December 2011 unemployment: 6.1%
- December 2012 unemployment: 6.0%
- Sectors (and companies) with notable growth: Food industry (Frito-Lay and Del Monte).
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