Should Young Americans Settle For Tiny Apartments?

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Browsing the web with a smileAmerica is currently in the grips of a severe drought of affordable and convenient housing in desirable locations. As such, a spate of “micro-rentals” has swept across the country, leading young Americans to live in tiny apartments. Where the phenomenon was once the preserve for New York City in the past, currently even cities like Seattle as experiencing the rise in 190-square feet apartments being offered.

Sub-divided apartments

Calling such units “apartments” is big of a stretch, as although each is furnished, they usually do not have their own kitchens. Instead, each floor shares one kitchen. They are really more often more like subdivided apartments, with each unit being only marginally bigger than a studio or large bedroom. But the question remains – why should younger Americans settle for these cramped living conditions?

The case for tiny apartments

Perhaps on the plus size of the arrangement is the fact that utilities are included in the monthly rental amount, meaning that the rent paid per month is “all inclusive.” These compact living spaces are often in highly sought-after locations, such as Wallingford in Seattle or much coveted neighborhoods in cities. For those with very active social lives, the appeal of living very close to bars, restaurants and excellent mass transit and bus options is strong. Living closer to work, perhaps even within walking distance in some cities, can cut costs further for some renters who do not have to spend money on commuting expenses.

For some who pay $825 a month in rent for a small apartment, they can reap other savings up to a maximum of $400 in travel costs, utilities (which are included) and other incidentals, such as buying fewer groceries due to less space to store them. Saving money on rent may also allow young people to save money for their futures or spend their money on things that they enjoy. In short, people who are not homebodies and spend most of their non-working free time out and about will be happy to accept smaller units for the hustle and bustle of mid-city living.

The case against tiny apartments

Feeling cramped, claustrophobic and realizing that the per-square foot cost of the apartment unit makes it extremely expensive are all valid reasons against renting a tiny apartment. For people who have accumulated a large number of furniture items and possessions, down-sizing will force them into having to discard their belongings or pay for expensive storage units. And after offloading too-big pieces of furniture, there will be no space to acquire new nick-knacks.

It may be better for those who are more home-focused to cast their net further out of cities in order to find a more comfortable and larger living space that can accommodate all of their possessions. If entertaining at home and cooking is a favorite hobby, an apartment with a private kitchen and room to have dinner guests is probably a must which cannot be compromised upon. Such individuals may be more at home in suburban areas or up-and-coming neighborhoods that are still affordable.

Have you compromised on space in order to reside in a more desirable neighborhood? Or can you absolutely not downsize? Whichever your viewpoint, let out readers know! Share your musings in our comments section, below.

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